Sunday, June 28, 2009

Most Embarrassing Moment

I’m not one to get really embarrassed…usually. But now I have a story when people ask that perennial lame question, “What’s your most embarrassing moment?”

It was my FIRST day at work. I am a summer intern for Stanley, Frank & Rose. Of course, right when I walk in one of the associates gives me a research project, so I get down to business. After five or six hours I realize that I haven’t moved and that my bladder is about to explode. So, I grudgingly, but rapidly, make my way to the bathroom. Being so excited to do a good job and crank out a little memo by the end of the day, I rushed from the bathroom back to my work area. It just so happened that the work area was inside an office, and in order to get into that office one must pass through a door. It also so happens that the door is one of three side-by-side panels—two of which are glass. Finally, it so happens that the door is not in the logical middle spot. It’s on the left. Now, this would not have been a problem if the door had been closed, because I could have easily distinguished the brown wood from the clear glass. Alas, the door is always open. So here I come down the hall, rushing to get back to work. Naturally, I take the logical middle spot as my entrance of choice. I smacked the glass so hard the floor shook. The entire office heard it, and immediately people began poking their heads out of doorways, laughing, “Hey! Who ran into the glass?” But one associate in particular, the one who had given me the assignment, was right in front of the glass when I leveled my face into it. My smudge marks are still there…